Reciprocal Calculator

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What Is a Reciprocal Calculator?

Reciprocal Calculator is a free online tool that helps students to calculate the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a given number or a given fraction. Reciprocal Calculator (a free online tool) makes your calculation fast and easy. It helps you to calculate the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a given number or a given fraction in a very few minutes. This calculator can save time and make your calculation faster.

How to Use Reciprocal of a Fraction Calculator?

The explanation of the “Reciprocal Calculator” is given below. There are three steps to use this calculator:

Step 1: Enter the value of the numerator and denominator in the given input boxes.

Step 2: Now click the button “calculate” to find the reciprocal value of entered fractional value.

Step 3: Now you can see the final reciprocal output in a new window.

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How to Calculate the Reciprocal of a Number?

The reciprocal value of a fraction can be defined as the output which when multiplied by the original fraction gives the product as 1.

For Example, The reciprocal value of 8/9 is 9/8.

Solved Example 1:

Find the reciprocal of 10/12 and verify your answer.


The reciprocal value of 10/12 is 12/10.

To check the answer we will multiply fractions 10/12 and 12/10 and check if it is giving the product as 1.

(10/12) x (12/10) = 1

It is verified now the reciprocal value of 10/12 is 12/10.

Solved Example 2:

Find the reciprocal of integer -14.


The integer -14 can also be written as -14/1.

Therefore, the reciprocal of integer -14 is -1/14.

In a similar way, you can try the Reciprocal calculator to find the reciprocal of a given number or given fraction.

  • 7/4
  • 25/8
  • 9/12

Hope you find this Reciprocal Calculator helpful for calculating the reciprocal value of a given number or given fraction.

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